IDAG is a non-profit organization seeking to promote, facilitate and coordinate DMB initiatives around the world. This includes DAB, DAB+ and additional services. IDAG is an organization that has a content and services related viewpoint, something that is also reflected by the member companies. Its members are primarily broadcasters or DMB/DAB/DAB+ network operators.

IDAGs main focuses are on broadcasted radio and television content and additional services via both DMB/DAB/DAB+ and the internet. Combining DMB/DAB/DAB+ with interactive services opens up for a new range of exciting and innovative services. IDAG is working with manufacturers to help bring attractive handsets to market.

IDAG is an international non-profit organization registered in Oslo, Norway (org.no. 995 288 079). The membership fee is 2000 Euro per member per year.

IDAG was founded in June, 2009 and has contributed to governmental hearings about the digital dividend and participated in talks with Post and Tele Authorities as well as other governmental bodies and authorities on frequencies, licenses and other issues. The organization has members on 4 continents. The majority of the members have DMB, DAB and/or DAB+ services on air, or are currently planning such. Some members are looking to commercialize services while others intend to provide free to air only.

IDAG and its members are cooperating with various partners to lay down the foundation of a successful deployment of digital radio and mobile TV via DAB, DAB+ and/or DMB around the world.